Every student dreams to be an iitian. To make this dream come true they have to crack iit jee advanced. Off course they have to pass jee mains first. Then they are eligible to appear in iit jee advanced. IIT JEE advance is also going to online from next year. Student preparing for Jee with the help of video lectures must know some important facts.
Like they must have a proper iitjee advanced video lectures by an experienced teacher. Why we are giving stress to proper course because there are a lot of differences in jee mains and advance syllabus. Video lectures for iit jee as available in market may not mention these facts clearly and a student may waste his precious time. You must know that there is small time gap between the both exams. So they have to read only that part again which is exclusively in jee advance.

The other factors to check before going to buy any iit jee advanced video lectures are category and type of problems. Most of the video lectures available on the net have not included many problems. Either they have only theory with or without examples. These video lecture courses for iit jee advanced are of no use.
The most important point to look before purchasing lectures is the experience of the teacher. Teachers having experience of more than 15 years are the best and only choice. The reason behind this is that in the years of 1990 to 2000 iit jee had two phases like now a days. That time problems where very great and good to understand all concepts of iit jee maths physics and chemistry. These teachers have a superior knowledge of subjects and problem for iit jee maths physics etc.
Student going to prepare for Jee advanced with only video lectures as the mode of study. That course must have ample number of solved problems especially from past papers. Solving problems from good sources is also recommended by experts. Students are also advised to get books only after solving of past papers.
There is no basic difference between solving approach of jee mains and advance questions. But we must know both exams have different paper setters. Jee advance papers are set by professors of IITs. All questions are fresh and unique. Although these are new but every problem is very well designed. Also problems are in easy to understand language.
Keeping this in mind we developed video lectures for iitjee advanced which enables student to understand and solve any type of problems. Our teachers make them capable to analyze and make rational way to solve every and each problem of exam paper.
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