IIT JEE physics books are the second thing that student search after class 10th results. The first thing is either a study material for iit jee or a coaching class.
Even if a student joins coaching or e learning he/she desire for good books for jee exams. Due to change in exams’ pattern year by year writers have to change the types of problems in the books. They have to add new problems and ideas to solve them. While there are many classical writers do not make any change in their books. These classical writers focus on concepts and not on problems. They already have good ever green problems added.
Here are list of classical writers for iit jee physics after that we will discuss utility of them. Physics first line writers for theory. Resnick & Halliday(old version) , HC Verma, NECRT books. University physics from pearson.
I have said old version but it is not available now a days in market. Old copy of may be available in second hand market. New version includes one more writer “Walker” and also few Indian writers. This new edition may be useful but we do recommend old version as well.
For problems read IE Irodov, Krotov. Krotov is high end book better read about Krotov’s physics problem book before use.
Second line iit jee physics books: Sears, Zemansky & Young. Nelcon Parker, Tipler & Tipler, Richard P. Feynman. If you have physics books in first line you do not need second line books. That is enough for your exams. Second line books are for library and are for reference only.
Other writers: DC Pandey is best and must have. He is a complete writer of physics for theory as well problem books. No need to go for others if you have DC Pandey books that are errorless. Also there a Timeless Classics series books for physics and maths by arihant publications. It is low cost and very good books for collection reference and study for any exams.

Do Past paper first then you can better understand level and types of problems asked in IIT JEE physics paper. Then go for any problem books selectively. I write selectively because some problems are time killer and will waste a lot time to understand its language.
For problems do not use HCV book. As it have puzzling and twisted problems which are not clear to new students. HCV problems are simply time killer so we do not recommend. Do Irodov and DC Pandey but need to be selective. These books have out of syllabus chapters and problems you need to avoid that problem.
GC Agarwal is good for schools as well jee mains exams. SL Gupta of JPNP is most used in old times but new writers are more updated. So we do not recommend these two anymore. Also we do not recommend B.M.Sharma and DC Gupta. A good by Anurag Mishra (Balaji Publishers) is also available in 5 parts better to look it before purchasing it. It is good but we cannot do many books so it can be good for reference only.
If you have any good coaching and its study material do not use many books. You also need to know that some coaching provide out of iitjee physics syllabus course in material which is absolutely useless. Problems in some coaching’s iit jee study material may be very hi fi and a “showbazi” and time killer only. So beware about them.
So finally you should have a good set of iit jee physics theory books and problems books. Plus a good study material with good problems. We cannot recommend any material but good iit jee physics pdf material is downloadable from our site. We strongly recommend DC Pandey books for theory and questions for iit jee mains advanced.
It is from Arihant publications and has many types of iit jee physics books by DC Pandey. Select carefully as par your need.
Make your own notes for theory and formulas by reading all books and use it for your quick revisions and before exam days. Keep all books at bay before exams and solve as many problems as you can and revise your own formula book.
It you have our video lectures no other theory books needed at all. Just need to make notes from it.
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