Get the iit jee maths video lectures course now
How to study jee main and advanced maths lectures
IIT JEE Maths video lectures are delivered in three dvds. One for algebra, trigonometry and two dimension coordinate geometry.
Second for calculus covering iit jee maths function to differential equations. Last part is for vector, 3d geometry, probability, statistics, statics etc.
A student must start iit jee preparation from maths only and best to start with algebra only.
The topics to learn in the order as followed. Quadratic equation, Sequence and series, permutation combinations, binomial theorem.
After this other parts of algebra and at the last complex numbers. Complex number for iit jee can also done after coordinate geometry.
Once Algebra is finished student should go for trigonometry and then coordinate geometry.
After these chapters calculus for iit jee main and advanced can be done. And at the last vector and probability can be done.
Once maths video lectures for iit jee is studied student need to solve problems from ncert or jee past papers taking help from videos.
Student need to get a good edge over maths before to start jee physics lectures. IIT JEE master provides maths in 220 hrs of video lectures. Student can buy these iit jee maths video lectures from ₹ 500/- only.
IIT JEE Video Lectures for Maths
Using state of the art technology Napellus edutech has produced jee maths lectures.
Total video lectures content for windows PC or laptop is 220 hours.
Now these iit jee maths video lectures are also available in android phones and tablets.
Before this company has already started selling iit jee lectures maths on windows phones.
Summery of available study material is as.
Theory of maths for iit jee is included in lectures from basic to advance level.
All topic are explained with suitable examples. That clear maths concepts in videos.
Each maths chapter includes 35 years iit jee paper solutions in these video lectures.
Every chapter of maths includes past questions of aieee, aipmt, AFMc and aiims entrances.
Maths video lectures for jee do not include ncert solution because most question are of same type in both areas.