Get free IIT JEE foundation video lectures

IIT JEE foundation video lectures are specially designed for class 9th and 10th students.
With this iit foundation video course student can kick start their life’s one of biggest target.
The most important and prestigious exam named as iit jee mains and iit je advance. They can prepare for these exams right from class 8, 9 or 10. Most of student is unaware about the available courses. They try many new things for exam preparation. Finally they know that. With the iit jee foundation video lectures course they can leap ahead of many others who are late to start. Only 2 out of 10 student starts with iit foundation video lectures. Rest focuses on class 9th 10th only. In lower classes students do not have much burden of study work. So they can find a lot spare time for preparation of competitive exams like iit jee mains and advanced.
Most parents do not take jee foundation lectures seriously and finally they lag behind.
These courses covers entire course of science and maths which is in class 9 and 10.
Our product includes only 11th 12th chapters but these chapters are basically same to that of lower schools. Just the difference is that it has much detailed. This is helpful as it can be great to gain advance knowledge. IIT JEE foundation video lecture devised to do all from basic to advance.
There is no need to go for any other source because lower classes have smaller syllabus. This small syllabus is well contained in our iit foundation video lecture. Doing it will make all problems in exams. Whether it is of school or iit jee mains advanced.
Most of the teachers follow this lectures to teach students the iit jee syllabus. Most of them advise it to their students as well.