In these IITJEE physics video classes, we will discuss wave oscillations. In the above physics video we will be discussing the following topic,
- Wave motion
- Transverse waves and longitudinal waves
- General equation of wave motion
- Plane progressive harmonic waves
So let us start this physics video with understanding what a wave is. A wave is a disturbance that propagates in a medium without the transport of the matter. But it transports both energy and momentum. By disturbance, we mean that the particles in the medium are not in a state of equilibrium. The disturbance can be in any direction and can be one –D or two –D also. The medium can either be solid, liquid or gas. Further, we have discussed types of waves. There are basically two types of waves on the basis of the direction of oscillation of the particles and wave propagation. They are,
- Transverse waves: When the particle oscillates perpendicular to the direction of motion of the medium, such waves are known as transverse waves. In the above physics video, the animation provided will help you understand this in a better way. The distance between two successive crests or troughs is known as the wavelength.
- Longitudinal waves: The direction of oscillation of medium of particle and the direction of motion of the wave is same. Sound waves are an example of longitudinal waves. These waves in a gaseous medium are longitudinal waves.
- Water surface waves: These can be found on the surface of any pond, river, or any water body when a stone is thrown. Here both transverse and longitudinal waves can be found. Both the wave oscillates in both north and south direction and the water waves oscillate in the horizontal direction. Since these waves are happening together, an elliptical wave is formed.
Next, we have learned in this physics video the general equation of wave motion. In order to find the position of many particles in the medium, let y be the displacement then,
Y = y (x, t)
The solution will be,
Y = f (ax bt), v = speed of the wave (v=b/a)
We must see that if,
- f is a function of periodic motion then the wave will be periodic
- f is a simple function then it can be a pulse.
Further, we have discussed plane progressive harmonic waves. For understanding this in a very simple and easier way please refers the animation given in the above video as it will help you understand this in an easier way.
So this is all there in this IIT JEE video for physics. This a very important chapter and you as an IIT aspirant needs to make sure that this chapter is done properly.