In this IIT JEE physics video lecture, we are going to discuss two dimension motions, the topics discussed in the above video are,
- Motion under gravity
- Motion in two dimensions
- And some exemplary motion
So let us first start with understanding what motion under motion under gravity is. Motion under gravity is of two types,
- One –D motion: In this physics video, we project the particle in the upward direction with some velocity ‘u’ and then the particle first goes up and then comes down. To understand this better, an example is provided in the video.
- Two –D motion: In this, the body undergoes projectile motion.
Then we have discussed formulas of One –D motion. We derived the three equations and explained it well using the sign convention. The equations are,
- S= ut – gt2, depending on the values of u, t and g the sign of s can be positive or negative. S is positive when the body undergoes downward displacement (g = positive) and negative when the body undergoes upward displacement (g= negative).
- V = u – gt
- V2 = u2 – 2gs
- Sn = u –
The above equations are for upward motion.
The equations for downward motion are,
- V = u + gt
- S= ut + gt2
- V2 = u2 + 2gs
- Sn = u +
Further we have discussed an exemplary problem which help you understand the concept well. Then we have discussed about motion in two dimensions. We have discussed about the position vector. We have taken the value of r as xi+ yj. After a small interval of time the position vector changes to r’=x’i +y’j. In order to find the displacement .
So this is all we have discussed in the above physics video. This is a pretty easy topic and is one of the important topics. So you as an IIT aspirant need to make sure that you now this topic well.