This video will help you understand the topic simple harmonic motion. In this IIT JEE physics video, we will understand the topic with examples about the basic ideas in simple harmonic motion, frequency and time period of a simple harmonic motion. We are going to discuss two types of motion,
- Oscillatory motion: It is the motion in which the particle in periodic motion moves back and forth over the same path. Ex. Molecular oscillations.
- Periodic motion: It is the motion that repeats itself at regular intervals of time.
Ex: circular motion, opening and closing the door repeatedly.
Next topic discussed is the phase which gives us the status of the particle, i.e. it gives the position and direction of the motion of the particle at any instant of time. Next is amplitude, which can be defined as the maximum displacement (+ve or –ve) of the particle from the equilibrium position. Remember equilibrium is point where net forces on the particle are zero in magnitude.
Most of the students find it hard to solve problem on SHM, as their basics are not cleared. So for the Students aspiring for competitive exams like IITJEE can find all their problems solved, as we are discussing it from the very basics. In this jee physics video lecture, we are going find out how to find whether the particle is in periodic motion or simple harmonic motion. Then we have derived how x =A Sin (ωt +ɸ) is the equation for particle describing simple harmonic motion. In the end, we derived phase as (ωt +ɸ). Then the relation between ω and time period (T) of a particle is also derived, which is ω=2 π/ T. In the end, we have discussed the movement of the particle about the positive x-axis and negative x-axis.
In this physics video lecture for iit jee mains we have included various types of SHM.
Examples are simple pendulum, oscillations of fluid column and others.