This video for another interesting topic called Permutations and combination. Each chapter under the syllabus of JEE examination are several sub chapters in itself. Similarly, you find same pattern in this chapter. Be it differential calculus or coordinate geometry or conics, whatever you have studied in 12 standards involves lot of imagination and internal mathematics, however permutation and combination is the master of those concepts.
In the topic permutation and combinations also you will find that the basics are similar to that of 12 standards and then there is a level up.
This chapter will insist you in pressuring your brains much more than the other chapters of JEE maths examination syllabus. Even after putting in all your efforts in understanding a problem of this topic, there are several chances of making mistakes. Hence, JEE examination students need to be very careful while solving the problems.
Before starting the chapter let us first know few principles of permutations and combinations. This will help us to understand this JEE topic better. The fundamental principles of counting comprises of multiplication principle and additional principle. When you need to find the number of ways an event can take place then you need to understand these two principles thoroughly.
Multiplication principle starts when any one event can happen in two ways by two operations or of an event has two stages. First with m number of ways and second with n number of ways, then event will occur total m*n number of ways. For example you want to wear a particular combination of clothes. You have four shirts and 6 trousers of different colors. Now how many ways you can dress up? So it is 4*6 = 24 ways you can wear the combination of shorts and trousers. Hence, dressing up is an event and number of ways you can dress up with the given shirts and trousers are 24 ways.
In these JEE video lectures for maths, you will also learn about the second principle of permutations and combinations along with suitable illustrations. After understanding the two fundamental principles you will be able to understand what are permutations and combinations.