In this jee maths video lecture we will be take you one step further in your dream to clear IIT-Jee mains examinations. JEE maths papers are set in such a way to check the clarity of student’s knowledge.
In this video lecture on JEE maths we have tried to sort out simple illustrations. We have also tried to give you a clear insight about the concept of the topic – Application of derivatives.
Under this topic, we will be basically discussing about Tangents and Normal. Before knowing more about this topic on JEE mains maths paper, we need to know about certain other terms as well. We must know as to what is Derivative, and geometrical representation of derivatives.
Derivatives in simple terms imply the change of one quantity in terms of another.
Most importantly it helps you to derive a trend out of the data available. This helps you in taking financial decisions as well. IIT-JEE mains exams are just the beginning of your practical career.
In these jee advance maths video lectures, students will get both theoretical and practical insights about the application of derivatives.
In this video lecture on IIT-Jee mains advance maths, we will also understand as to how to find the slope of the curve. Slope of the curve at any point is defined as the slope of the tangent line drawn. We also know that the equation of the line passing two variables say (x1, y1 ) will be:y – y1 = m (x- x1)
In this case we know that m = for the tangent. Hence the equation of the tangent will be = y – y1 = m (x- x1) and substitute the value of m, as mentioned above in the given equation to get the required accordingly.
Apart from the above formula we have explained relevant example on the same which can be seen in these video lectures. In order to get complete understanding, watch the complete series of jee maths video.